SAG-SEED BDS+ Training of Trainers 2016 on Eco-Enterprise Development in Nairobi, Kenya
SAG-SEED BDS+ Training of Trainers 2016 on Eco-Enterprise Development in Nairobi, Kenya.
SEED with the generous support of SWITCH-Africa Green is pleased to invite nominations for the BDS+ Training of Trainers (ToT) programme on Eco-Enterprise Development.
Location: Nairobi, Kenya (venue tbc)
Dates: 11-14 October, 2016 (4 days)
Participants: 15-20 individuals
Language: English
Organisers: SEED under the SWITCH Africa Green multi-country project “ Promoting eco-entrepreneurship in Africa ”.
ToT Benefits
The ToT will offer the following benefits to its participants:
Overview of successful social and environmental enterprise business models;
Introduction to highly relevant state-of-the-art business support topics;
Access to hands-on tools for the support of eco-enterprises;
Case-study driven insights on business strategy & development;
Peer-to-peer networking with experienced business development service providers
Opportunity to improve personal training and facilitation skills;
Methodology insights in how to run participant oriented coaching and mentoring programmes.
This ToT is for individuals who work at the interface of politics, business and civil society, and support business or entrepreneurial solutions for social and environmental challenges.
SAG-SEED strive to have a diversified group of participants balancing gender and organisational representation. Participants should be under 35 years old.
Applicants should be able to demonstrate that they have:
basic experience or a strong interest in working with start-up eco-enterprises in Kenya;
basic experience or a strong interest in providing business management oriented capacity building, including business planning and business management trainings;
have a degree in a relevant academic or business related field;
basic experience or a strong interest in facilitating interactive and participatory workshops;
basic experience or a strong interest in working on the triple bottom line;
the capacity to communicate and provide capacity building in English to SMMEs.
Please note: Given the limited number of participant slots (15-20) we will be only able to accept 1-2 candidates per organisation. However, there may be exceptions depending on the range of applicants who meet the criteria for participation. If you are an independent consultant, please submit a letter of endorsement from a third party.
The ToT will encourage effective learning with a participant-led and hands-on methodology. It will focus on participants sharing their own experiences, guided by the introduction of new conceptual approaches, tools and case studies. It will be geared by short inputs, case studies, practical exercises and group work.
The materials are based on proven methods, which were developed in the framework of the SEED Support 2009-2015. The materials incorporate the distilled learnings from working with social and environmental start-up enterprises over more than ten years.
Additional information about this can be found in SEED’s 10 Year Flagship Report “ Turning Ideas into Impact: Setting the Stage for the next 10 Years of Green and Inclusive Growth through Entrepreneurship”.
The SAG-SEED Kenya BDS+ ToT call for nominations will be open from 8 August until 9 September. Nominations received after this date cannot be considered. Nominations may be submitted directly by the applicant, by a partner organisation, or by any third party that is familiar with the applicant.
In order to complete a nomination, please submit a detailed CV and a short letter of motivation via email to In case of questions, please feel free to contact us by email.
Submissions will be accepted until 9 September. Successful applicants will be notified by 16 September.
Application Deadline: September 9th 2016
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the SAG-SEED BDS+ Training of Trainers 2016 on Eco-Enterprise Development. Click Here
SEED with the generous support of SWITCH-Africa Green is pleased to invite nominations for the BDS+ Training of Trainers (ToT) programme on Eco-Enterprise Development.
Location: Nairobi, Kenya (venue tbc)
Dates: 11-14 October, 2016 (4 days)
Participants: 15-20 individuals
Language: English
Organisers: SEED under the SWITCH Africa Green multi-country project “ Promoting eco-entrepreneurship in Africa ”.
ToT Benefits
The ToT will offer the following benefits to its participants:
Overview of successful social and environmental enterprise business models;
Introduction to highly relevant state-of-the-art business support topics;
Access to hands-on tools for the support of eco-enterprises;
Case-study driven insights on business strategy & development;
Peer-to-peer networking with experienced business development service providers
Opportunity to improve personal training and facilitation skills;
Methodology insights in how to run participant oriented coaching and mentoring programmes.
This ToT is for individuals who work at the interface of politics, business and civil society, and support business or entrepreneurial solutions for social and environmental challenges.
SAG-SEED strive to have a diversified group of participants balancing gender and organisational representation. Participants should be under 35 years old.
Applicants should be able to demonstrate that they have:
basic experience or a strong interest in working with start-up eco-enterprises in Kenya;
basic experience or a strong interest in providing business management oriented capacity building, including business planning and business management trainings;
have a degree in a relevant academic or business related field;
basic experience or a strong interest in facilitating interactive and participatory workshops;
basic experience or a strong interest in working on the triple bottom line;
the capacity to communicate and provide capacity building in English to SMMEs.
Please note: Given the limited number of participant slots (15-20) we will be only able to accept 1-2 candidates per organisation. However, there may be exceptions depending on the range of applicants who meet the criteria for participation. If you are an independent consultant, please submit a letter of endorsement from a third party.
The ToT will encourage effective learning with a participant-led and hands-on methodology. It will focus on participants sharing their own experiences, guided by the introduction of new conceptual approaches, tools and case studies. It will be geared by short inputs, case studies, practical exercises and group work.
The materials are based on proven methods, which were developed in the framework of the SEED Support 2009-2015. The materials incorporate the distilled learnings from working with social and environmental start-up enterprises over more than ten years.
Additional information about this can be found in SEED’s 10 Year Flagship Report “ Turning Ideas into Impact: Setting the Stage for the next 10 Years of Green and Inclusive Growth through Entrepreneurship”.
The SAG-SEED Kenya BDS+ ToT call for nominations will be open from 8 August until 9 September. Nominations received after this date cannot be considered. Nominations may be submitted directly by the applicant, by a partner organisation, or by any third party that is familiar with the applicant.
In order to complete a nomination, please submit a detailed CV and a short letter of motivation via email to In case of questions, please feel free to contact us by email.
Submissions will be accepted until 9 September. Successful applicants will be notified by 16 September.
Application Deadline: September 9th 2016
For More Information:
Visit the Official Webpage of the SAG-SEED BDS+ Training of Trainers 2016 on Eco-Enterprise Development. Click Here
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