
MEPST Green Enterprise Challenge 2016 for Kenyan Entrepreneurs (KES 1,000,000 Grant)

MEPST Green Enterprise Challenge 2016 for Kenyan Entrepreneurs (KES 1,000,000 Grant).

This is a platform for championing green sustainable jobs by women and youth entrepreneurs in Kenya, with a focus on selected value chains, through MSMEs business modeling in at least 6 selected counties. Nakuru was the pilot County.
Problems to be tacked by Green Enterprise Challenge:
Youth unemployment
Environmental pollution
Little education
Inadequate business skills
The challenge is being run by Micro Enterprises Support Programme Trust (MESPT) in collaboration with Tangaza University College . MESPT is a champion of a Green Growth economy and in partnership with Danida has been implementing the Annual Green Growth Conference and exhibition in Kenya for the last 2 years.
The challenge is open to youth and women who have startup businesses not more than 3 year old.
Their businesses must have a green element in it.
To register for the challenge must I have an existing business?
No, your business can be an idea which you must be in a position to convince the trainers and the judges that it is viable.

Business Categories are eligible?
Your business is eligible if you are in the line of:
Mobile & ICT Technologies
Waste Management
Renewable Energy
They will be sponsored into an entrepreneurship academy in their county.
All finalists will get certificates.
Winners will be awarded trophies.
Overall national winners will be awarded a monetary grant of up to KES 1,000,000 to grow their businesses.
Sponsorship opportunity to participate/ exhibit in the National Green Enterprise Challenge and the National Green Growth Conference & Exhibition in October 2016.
Exposure to potential investors/ funders.
Development of brands
Media Coverage
Six months post competition incubation to harness entrepreneurial skills.

Application Deadline: August 19th 2016

Registration Click Here

Visit the Official Webpage of click Here

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