Call for Proposals: MRLG Grant Facility Innovation Fund

Call for Proposals: MRLG Grant Facility Innovation Fund
Deadline: 23 May 2016
The Mekong Region Land Governance
(MRLG) supported by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation
(SDC) and the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and
Development (BMZ) and the Luxembourg Government Ministry of Foreign and
European Affairs (MFEA) has announced its 2nd Call for Innovation Fund
The purpose of innovative project
proposals must align with the MRLG project goal to pursue
multi-stakeholder collaborations that will improve the tenure security
of family farmers in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar
and Viet Nam (CLMV). These should address this goal through a focus on
land rights and customary tenure recognition; regulation of large scale
land acquisition and responsible land-based investments.
Grant Information
- The Innovation Fund (IF) grant window will provide project funding to a maximum of US$250,000 with up to 2 years implementation.
- To support innovative proposals, MLRG prefers submissions that propose a 2-phased approach. The first phase used as a project incubation small grant up to US$75,000 over 6 months to design, plan and mobilize project activities that are then implemented in phase 2 for the remainder period, up to 2 years. A total inclusive budget of US$ 250,000 is possible (total budget and period includes the small grant). The 2nd Phase design will be subject to Project Steering Committee approval.
- The 2nd MRLG Call offers new opportunities through Small Grants with funding up to a maximum of US$ 75,000 for 2 year implementation period.
Key Dates
Dates for 2106 Proposal Process
- 24 March Publication of Call for Proposal
- 23 May Deadline for submission of Concept Notes
- 24 May – 05 August Review and Evaluation Period
- 08 August Invitation to submit full proposal for shortlisted projects
- 16 September Deadline for Submission of Full Proposal (single phase projects)
- Deadline for submission of Detailed Activity and Budget Plan for 2-Phase Projects
- 30 October Selection and Approval of IF Grants (indicative timing)
Eligibility Criteria
The government institutions, private
sector organizations or other organizations jointly implementing with
government and/or private sector organizations are eligible to apply.
Eligible countries
Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Viet Nam (CLMV)
How to Apply
All IF grant proposals must identify a lead organization as main proponent. Joint proposals are strongly encouraged and desired.
The following are the basic eligibility requirements for the IF Grant Fund Application:
- Completeness of documents submitted
- Signed Letter expressing intent to apply for the IF Grant,
- IF Grant Concept Note (maximum 6 pages, strict limit)
- Signed Proponents Commitment of Partnership and Accountability Undertaking (signed by all partners to the proposal)
- Lead Organization’s Registration Documents (not necessary if the lead is a government agency)
- Documented track record of the applicant in managing and implementing projects of the size proposed.
Proposals must be written in English and submitted electronically via email.
For more information, please visit MRLG Grant 2016.
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